For Managers / Owners
Industry leading inspection system
Core fundamentally solves the time consuming tasks of creating certificates and updating registers.
Your staff can spend more visible time on site rather than in the office creating documentation.
Typically a 40 - 60 % time saving in documentation
Reduce the time to invoice, reduce WIP, drastically improve your cashflow
Standardise your inspection process, certificates and registers. Ensure your staff are performing what is required of them.
Produce professional reports that adhere to standards and impress your clients
Improve the safety of your team by ensuring a risk assessment is performed prior to any examinations
Provide your technicans with a standard checklist, references to standards and references to recall notices
Increase your inspections with greater visibility of coming due dates
Analyse your capacity against utilisation
Provide your customers with an online register so they can obtain certificates and registers without consuming your staff's valuable time.

For Technicans
Enable your technicians to work quickly without paperwork
Perform more inspections quickly with a mobile fully offline device
View all items at a client, add new items, move items, copy items, share jobs.
Inspect multiple items at once
Archive items to keep the register clean
Perform inspections without an internet connection
RFID/Barcode/QR support
Mandatory safety documents (JSEA/SWMS)
Fully customised inspections
Take customer signatures on site
Record timesheets
Access equipment specifications
Attach photos/documents

For Administrators
Take effort away from your basic tasks
Use Core to automate scheduling, send reports to clients and capture billing.
Intelligent scheduling system
Standardise your certificates and reports
Automatically schedule and email customers upcoming jobs at configurable intervals
Plan your resources easily from online portal
Automatically manage any restrictive competencies
Cross branch/job sharing
Integrate to your ERP/Accounting system with our API / Zapier plugin
Clients Due December 2022
Acme Inc
Sydney Site
400 Items More Details
Email Sent
Acme Inc
Brisbane Site
213 Items More Details
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Contoso Ltd
Sydney Site
190 Items More Details
Email Sent
Company X
Sydney Site
47 Items More Details
Email Sent
For customers
Provide a next level experience for your customers.
Provide online access to history and certificates to customers from anywhere.
Provide customers with an online equipment register with a simple to use branded portal
Easy to search portal allows users to download and store certificates
Give customers access to 1 or many sites
Allow or deny customers the ability to move assets, add attachments, archive items.